Artist statement

I have always been an observer, fascinated by the hidden magic of details and the language of photography, with its possibility to present a fully realized world, even though by definition it has only two dimensions! I am a photographer of people, continually looking to capture a story only a human face and body can tell.

My sense of composition and light is strongly influenced by the old masters, especially the Dutch masters and in particular Vermeer, for his understated and gentle observation of action and incredible control of light. As I work with my subjects, Rodin’s sculpture and Mapplethorpe’s nudes and portraits play a significant role in shaping my artistic voice and identity.

Through my imagery I explore tension, torque and dynamic of musculature, witness the inner conversation of a lone individual, patiently look for a true and authentic moment on subjects face and await their impact on the viewer.

It is of utmost importance that I execute my art “beautifully”, not so much that it pleases my eye in a superficial manner, but that the excellence of the image conveys the message and the mood of the statement.